In an age where so much emphasis is placed on making minorities feel safe, I find it ironic that some opinions are judged so harshly by the very folks who preach tolerance. In the name of this “tolerance” (an abuse of the word if ever there was one), these opinions are always assumed to come from bigoted, hating hearts.

Since when have the high priests of Tolerance gained such insight into the hearts of others? They can’t know how or why a person believes what they do: indeed, they seem to assume (based on a theory cynical about all motives except their own) that they possess a unique and superior understanding of the human heart. They are worse than the most rabid fundamentalists; worse because they don’t judge actions, but attitudes that they insist live in others. They see hate in every heart but their own.

The law is supposed to deal with wrong actions: the new legalism deals with undesirable beliefs and conscience. The irony is breathtaking.

George Orwell called it Wrongthink. And honestly, I don’t feel safe anymore in my own country.